Friday, May 27, 2005

Metaphysical Hotline

"Juno, can you take a call on line 1?"

"Yep," With one sneakered foot I pushed off from the filing cabinet, rolled smoothly across the little office to my desk, and swiveled to grab the phone.

"Hi, this is Juno. How can I help you?" I asked brightly, leaning back in my seat and putting my feet on the desk.

A man's voice came over the line. He was an up-talker--one of those people that makes the end of every sentence sound like a question.

"I was in your store the other d-d-day? And I b-b-bought this book on p-p-personal p-p-power?"

"Yes?" I said politely. I picked up the rubber band ball from my desk and began playing with it.

"Well, I have a q-q-question?"


Immediately I knew this was not going to be one of those straight questions like they get over at Barnes and Noble. New Age book store customers are a unique species. They don't just buy books--they hold you personally accountable for the information inside.

"Say someone takes all their p-p-personal p-p-power and p-p-puts it in a glass of water?"

I knew it. This was not going to a happy place.

"And say that a d-d-dog came along and d-d-drank all the water?"

I could hear the terror in his voice and wondered what sort of dog he had. A great dane? A german shepard? Or maybe it was a little chuhuahua that had gotten all full of his big bad self and developed an attitude.

"Is that b-b-bad?" You could tell he expected the worst.

Now there are two ways to answer a call like this. One of them appealed to my sense of humor, while the other appealed to my need for job security.

I hedged.

"Was it tap water or spring water, sir?"

"T-t-tap water," he said and the panic rose in his voice. "Is that b-b-bad?"

I started to feel a little sorry for him. And I'm a wuss when it comes to this sort of thing. I have evil intentions but am too softhearted to follow through.

"No, no--it's fine," I reassured him. "I just wondered."

I took a deep breath, "Now, about your question. . ."

I looked at the rubber band ball in my hand, suddenly inspired.

"Listen, you've heard people talk about there being a silver cord that attached your soul to your body, right?"

"Yes?" his voice quavered.

"Well . . . there is a sort of red rubber band thing that attaches you to your personal power. You can never really lose your power because if it gets too far away from your body it just snaps back into place."


"Absolutely," I replied firmly. ""Don't worry about a thing."

I could feel his relief.

"Th-thank you. Th-thank you so much!"

"No problem."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I always got stuck with the weird calls no one quite knew how to handle. My training as a single mother of two made me perfectly equipped to deal with just about any situtation.

"We have poltergeist activity at our house. Things are blowing around everywhere, and we hear strange voices. It's really starting to scare the children."

"Have you asked it to leave?" I offered.


"Ummmm. . . well . . . no . . . not exactly. I meaned we tried doing protection spells and stuff, but we didn't just tell it to go away."

"Well there you go."

Another satisfied customer.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"There's a ghost in our home,"a woman whispered into the receiver. "We keep seeing this white figure move through the hallway and into the family room. We think it's the ghost of the old woman who died here. She's very angry."

Okay, I'll bite.

"How do you know she's angry?"

"She keeps knocking things over and moving stuff around. And she makes this eerie howling sound."

I thought for a minute. "What's your family room like, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Well right now it's a mess." The woman laughed a little self consciously. "We're using it as a storage area for all the stuff we don't have room for. Mainly laundry, newspapers, old furniture and electronic equipment--things like that."

I identified with the ghost. I could be driven to the brink of insanity just by looking at my kids' messy rooms. Maybe if we had a ghost it would unnerve them enough that they would keep them clean.

I decided to give the poor ghost a little help. "I think you should clean the room."

"What?" the woman sounded offended.

"If you want the problem to stop, you will have to do a cleansing of the room."

"How do I do that?"

"Well you begin by cleaning the room, making it nice. You have to shift the energy, so to speak. Then light some candles and scent the room with some cinnamon incense or oil."

I am very fond of candlelight and nice smells.

"That's it?" the woman sounded supsicious.

"Of course not," I said with dignity. "After you're done you need to say a blessing on the room asking that it be a place of love and joy and peace. Trust me, it will work."

"Okay," the woman said doubtfully. "I'll try it."


I smiled to myself as I hung up the phone. True, I had just frustrated a customer who was now going to have to spend her whole weekend cleaning.

But I was willing to bet I had just made some tidy little ghost very happy.


emilyahostutler said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day.
Funny things those funeral homes can be.
Great blog!
I love your thoughtful response to the random callers.
so cool

Anonymous said...

WOW great writing. I love those stories. Thanks for stopping by.

Dawn said...

Wonderful post, I also liked the guy with the tap water. I would have loved to have seen his face when he saw the water gone.

I'll be back again.

Robin said...

Oh my goodness that was funny! I simply couldn't do that with a straight face!

Spirit Of Owl said...

Lovely writing, Juno. It's such an easy style you have.

People shouldn't put their personal power into a glass of water. Surely it would be better in, say, a Fanta? Or a Vodka and Lime? No, I've got it... a Long Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall!

Juno said...

Robin, my sister and I have had long practice in telling outrageous stories since we were kids. Saved our little butts many a time!

Spirit, I took a look at that link. I think that drink recipe would knock me right off my feet!

Thanks for the comments folks. Now if you will excuse me, one of the kids is trying to make off with my favorite source of personal power--my Diet Coke. Grrrrrr . . .

Spirit Of Owl said...

Well, y'know, that's kinda the idea... !!! :-p

joy said...

I love it! Now I know why the living room is messy, it's the power in me acknowleding my love for angering the ghosts! ;)

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Damn! You went and visited me, so I came over to visit you back, and now I gotta add you to my Favorites list because you're such a good writer and story teller and I hardly got any more room on my list because it's already 73 people long but I'll fit you in because I don't think I can do without you, you're so good.

Jstar718 said...

this was sinply awesome! I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for the smile...I really needed it!

Lois Lane said...

Too cool! Great writing and great come backs! ;)
Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

It's funny how people react at certain stuation...this post was great. :)

thtgrl said...

Thank you for visiting! It looks like you went on a blog hop last night. :)

You've inspired me to pick up around here, but more importantly, I admire how you've helped these callers with geniune answers that were heartfelt.

I will stop back again...

Jamie said...

I am so glad you left me a comment, because I got to read your blog. You are an amazing writer, as well as an interesting person!

Can't wait to get to know you better.

se7en said...

fun post! get them ghosts! LOL

thanks for coming by as well!

evilsciencechick said...

heehee! that's GREAT! If I ever have ghost problems, or think I've lost my power, I am SO calling you!

(thanks for stopping by - *smooch!*)

Restless Angel said...

That was fantastic! I absolutely love your blog! I need to go on an adding spree soon, and you will be added to the list! Thank you for your comment earlier :)

ghartstein said...

That was great! Your writing is fantastic. And I don't know how you resisted telling that guy that the dog now had his personal power and there was no way to get it back without eating the dog. I guess that's why I never took a job on a helpline! Thanks for some great writing!

Aimee said...

Hi Juno--I've seen you around some of my favorite, er, "haunts" (groan), so I had to come check you out.

Oh, I am NOT disappointed! Your stories had me howling! I'll be back. :)

Vickie said...

Juno- I just love this post, I do believe it has been my favorite so far and I tell you now write that book, lady. I will be the first to stand in line and buy a copy but you must promise me an autograph.

Do you think you might be able to help me out with a little problem I have, my house is always cluttered....actually it is not my place. My husband and I placed all our things in storeage but a very few must have (computers and clothes)things and moved back into the house I grew up in to take care of my mom. She refuses to part with anything so I need a ghost to visit me and get the message to my mother that we must have some major changes made around

Anonymous said...

Well now I want to know what the "Now there are two ways to answer a call like this. One of them appealed to my sense of humor,..." answer would have been??? ;)

Thanks for coming by the DD - you are now on my roll for sure!

Lorna said...

I used to work for Bell Canada in the customer service group and it was amazing how many of those Oh-my-God-how-can-I-answer-this calls we used to get.
"Peter Pan has been making indecent calls to this number."
"Please take out my phone---my brain has been leaking ever since I got it."
"Can you call me back? I've forgotten my number so just tell me when I pick up the line"

We were monitored (without benefit of the customer knowing) and had to live up to Bell's standards on every call, but it was hard sometimes not to give the wiseass answer...

Queen on the run said...

Thankyou for stopping by Juno!
I have been pulled in by your blog:)
I will be returning and also adding you to my links:):):):)

katehopeeden said...

LOL, very nice...
make sure they clean up for the ghost :) awesome stuff :) I'm a single mom as well and I am not looking fwd to the day my kids hot teenager land :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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